How to manage your stress: Expert Advice

Managing stress on your own:

How to identify stress:

Stress is a mental/psychological state of mind. Many times, with so many awkward situations, we get stressed. Unknowingly, the level increased. Stress is a very common word used by common people in their daily life. We think is very normal to be stressed. However, stress can cause serious damage to us. If we can able to identify the degree of stress and try to solve it can be good. People, particularly the young generation, suffer from it. It reduces productivity and creativity among us. Stress leads to serious health and psychological damage. Many times, our behaviour changes without any reason, and we feel anxiety, heartbreak, high blood pressure and other lifestyle diseases like high blood sugar, etc, due to stress. Managing stress is the key point here

There are some sign of stress:  Identifying stress is important. We have to know the trigger moment when person get stress.

  1. Irritating behaviour. If your behaviour change and its became irritating it can say you are in stress.
  2. If you become silent for a long time then it may say you are in some problem which leads to stress.
  3. Changing behaviour of a person may be a sign of stress.
  4. Immediate hyperness
  5. Quick wrong decision.

It may vary from person to peron. So try to track your behavioural changes and distinguished the stressful behaviour.

Managing Stress:

Manging stress is the second step after identifying it. Though people identify that they are in stress however, they couldnot mange it. It is the most important thing we should incorporate our skill of managing stress to our daily life. There are some tips which can be followed by us to relife stress.

  1. Relax: Relax means give some time to yourself. Give time to think. Keep quite for a while when anything wrong happen to you. Then decide how to react. It also depend in which situation you are. A while thinking may lead to right decision while some immediate action may cause danger. However some situation needs quick and fast reaction also. Relax your body and mind. Take some time to analyse      the situation. Relaxing yourself with your own confort                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  2. Meditation: As it is a behavioural changes so it need holistic approach to treat it. Meditation is benefical for a long run. If the level of your stress is more dipper then meditation is the best approach to deal with.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yoga nad meditation relive stress and mange it. It create and develop the ability to manage stress. It make us fit to deal with it.
  3. Morning Walk: There are very good benefits of morning walk. Why morning walk because it gives you the freedom to think beyond. It enhances your decision making power, it enbale you to think right and take your own decision. There are more latent benefits of morning walk ; physical and psychological.     
  4.  Listening Slow music: It has been scintifiaclly proven that music have a great impact on life. So listening slow music can lead a stress full life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  5. Developingand following hobbies and co-curricular activites:  Devloping and following hobbies like gardening, music, dance, painting, and many more which you like to do and whch also give you happiness, you definetly purse that. It gives you relaxation and refres your mind.
  6. Reading: Reading is good quality. Read story books, fiction and no fiction, novel and other religious and scientific books definetly help you to develop your thinking process.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  7. Frindship and sharing: Share your problem to your friends or parents whom you think will suggest you the best ideas. Do go for outing with them.
  8. Travel : Traveling to new places will create the oppoertunity to learn new things and relaxing mind.
  9. Hydrated Body: Drink enough water and make your body cool and hydrated.
  10. Shopping your favourite thing with your own budget.
  11. Help others which definitely makes you happy and relax.
  12. Follow spirituality
  13. Mange your own time.
  14. Manage your finance
  15. If needed then consult any professional for help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A story of stress management:       You all heard about the story of Dharama related to The Sun Temple of Odisha. But a few knows how it emerge to build a temple in the middle of the ocean.   Sibei Samntaray was the minister of King Langula Narasinghdev.  They decided to build the temple in the middle of the sea Chandrabhaga. However they dont have the idea how to do. After  months even one stone was not set  for the temple. So, both the king and minister worried about the temple building.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Once Sibei Samantaray visited the temple site and it became late night. He missed the road and entered into the forest area. Where a old woman lived in a hat. Sibei came to her and asked staying for a night. The old woman agreed and welcome him to her house. At the dinner she prepared rice poridgee and offered to the minister. Sibei started eating the poridgee form the middle of the pot and let his hand burn. At that moment the lady advised him to eat form side. Sibei was very much happy and like Ureka Ureka, becasue he found his answer how to build the temple. Now he started building the temple by setting the stone from side of the ocean not directly from the middle. It has been said that the old lady was mother goddess maa Mangala. In this story we found the learning that how a big learning come from a simple advice and how one of the seven wonders of the earth built; the konark temple.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Here is the learning how you find solution to your problem. Do modify some extent and add value to yourself.  Healthy life is happy life.

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