Life is full of joy; yes, it’s not for all; however, some people also experience different types of emotions, feelings, etc. It is a completely different picture for everyone. We cannot universalize it. it is the rule of nature, sometimes our choice and many times destiny. We should be grateful if we have a peaceful life with all our basic amenities. Thousands of people are suffering from collecting their basic amenities like food and clothes. Wealth generation should not be our prime focus. Yes, creating new wealth and profits should be a part of life, not an entire life. we need to be very specific in our goal. What exactly do we want: wealth, prosperity or peace? Yes, it can go simultaneously, but with some principles and rules.   Rule No 1: Identify your goal Rule No 2: Analyse if you are strict to it or wants to change the goal Rule No 3: If its fix for certain time period then go for it. Rule no 4: Organize and plan for your goal Rule No 5: Be happy what you have and add new things to your list. Rule No 6: Consistency and hardwork Rule No 7:  Patience Rule No 8: Calm and down to earth when you get success Rule No 9: Maintain the success Rule No 10: Work more hard than earlier.
Many times people ask how to get success easily. But there is no easy trick or tips to success. But some solid advice can be followed. The advice is not same in all situation. It is completely depends on what you want and what you can. Dont follow the path of others rather create your own designed for you only.

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